Why Is Customer Journey Mapping So Important?
A customer journey map is a visual outlay of your customer’s every interactive experience with you. It is the key to unraveling the story of your brand from the first engagement to the present with an individual or a group. How do you tell this story? It is not always as simple as taking you up on an offer of product or service? You join the dots that show the ways in which your customer comes into contact with your brand namely social media, referrals, search engines, promotional campaigns, direct marketing etc. In order to optimize the experience of a customer with each touch-point, mapping them becomes imperative.
How you are perceived as a brand is only possible by stepping into the customer’s shoes. It helps in isolating grievance points, grey areas and gaps. The analysis of a customer’s journey should reveal a logical order. This helps in addressing specific customer needs within a buyer’s niche zone, the gaps between the ideal and actual experience of purchase for a customer, identifying development opportunities all aid the allocation of resources and time for maximum effectiveness.
Making an effective customer journey map involves mapping every point of customer contact such as Facebook posts, Instagram posts, promotional videos, product videos, TV ads, packaging, newspaper ads etc. Website analytics, Call Centre software, CRM etc. are quantitative data on such maps which when overlaid reveal customer service satisfaction. It helps improve the call response menu and time, chatbot algorithms etc. All this throws light on the route from research through enquiry to sale.
This effective method of bench marking helps reveal how your brand promise matches the real customer experience. What may seem seamless might hold many obstacles for a customer. For ex. A customer booking a beauty service with a particular product on a mobile beauty service app might encounter the visiting beautician servicing the same with a different unknown product of similar quality. This might leave an unsatisfactory customer experience. Manras Technologies provides you a team of experts to help you understand how these interactions work, the number of touch points involved in marking the complexity of servicing customer needs and how to create an advantage for you is how we assist your leverage with regards to your business investment. Our ability to provide you customized sales force solutions helps prevent the loss of unforeseen opportunities and long lasting customer relations.