Why Salesforce Project Needs Industry-Specific Implementation Partner?
If you are here, we assume that you either are considering or have already purchased Salesforce. What follows next is the most critical stage – that of implementation.
The question that most businesses ask at this crucial stage is –
Should We Self-Implement the Salesforce Project or Hire an Implementation Partner?
With the wide range of in-built and plug-in tools available, integrating SMS and WhatsApp into your Salesforce processes is often simple.
It is important to note that Salesforce is not a process or a way of doing things. It is a powerful tool that empowers you to get the best out of technology and flourish. To make the most of Salesforce, it needs to be moulded to the needs and context of your business, as well as, industry standards and requirements. Salesforce Implementation requires technical knowledge, industry-specific expertise, a support team and most importantly, time.
You should self-implement only and only if you have all four of these. Typically, even businesses with strong technical knowledge, industry-specific expertise and good support teams fail in getting envisioned transformation. This is because they start off their Projects but are unable to focus their time and attention on managing the needs of the implementation. They have several time-demands for their core business and the Salesforce Project takes a backseat.
Salesforce Implementation Partners help architect your projects to the right specifications, workflows and context of your business. They use their expertise to remove bottlenecks and effectively turn your vision into reality.
However, the choice of Implementation Partner is another critical decision that businesses must make. One of the most important criteria is the industry-specific expertise of your Partner.
Why Hire Industry-Specific Salesforce Implementation Partners?
Seamless Configuration and Integration:
The needs, challenges and goals of a financial institution for a Salesforce Project will differ starkly, for instance, from those of a healthcare player, a non-profit organisation and a manufacturing company. The best Implementation Partner will collaborate with you to tailor an effective and scalable Project design that meets your business goals and industry-specific requirements. They help integrate and evolve your existing systems and processes into the Salesforce org.
Minimisation of Risks
Businesses that self-implement rely on a single in-house expert for Project Implementation. If the in-house expert moves on and there is no pipeline of qualified and experienced Salesforce admins and experts, your Project is exposed to a high risk of stagnation. Your business becomes predisposed to inefficiencies and losses. However, Salesforce Gold Consulting Partners like Manras have large teams of highly-skilled and certified tech experts with vast industry experience. So, your business will benefit from built-in longevity of knowledge. Apart from the continued availability of expertise, you also benefit from institutionalised memory and documentation.
ROI Maximisation
With their vast industry experience, the best Implementation Partners help you automate the right processes. They empower you to free up employees from drudge-intensive tasks and let them focus on core business activities that need their attention and expertise. They help with the better adoption of the powerful Salesforce functionalities by employees and other stakeholders.
They understand the latest, industry best practices. So, they make objective and meaningful recommendations for strengthening strategies and process efficiency to stay miles ahead of the competition. Overall, you can maximise your profits and ROI by choosing the right Partner.
Capitalise on the full potential of Salesforce by choosing an industry-specific Implementation Partner for your Salesforce Project. Get in touch with Manras today.