Why to Migrate Classic to Lightning?
Undoubtedly, there is a heap of reasons to switch from classic to lightning. However, it isn’t a child’s play actually but is a sort of sudden electrical reaction grabbing all your attention. The actual process of migrating classic to lightning includes a number of elements including- testing, planning, and research as well.
Here is a string of reasons making it obvious for you to understand the importance of migrating from classic to lightning.
It enhances the assess organizational needs of an organization– This is all about rectifying the actual needs which are all possible when you have the right Salesforce experts by your side. Before starting the operational part, it is mandatory to analyze if the organization is in need of such changes or not.
Conduct a smart and next-gen gap analysis between two forces– Implementing operations become much easier when smart gap analysis is conducted. It usually requires enough of lightening support which showcases and displays a clear report on in-depth resources between lightning experience and Salesforce classic.
Compare lightning experience and Salesforce classic- It is important to run a quick comparison between both (Salesforce classic and lightning experience). A lot of features include- news, path, accounts logo, activity timeline, notes, automated account fields, *reference* page layout, Twitter highlights, related lists, account hierarchy, contact hierarchy, find and merge duplicate accounts, matching and duplicate rules for business. All these aspects can be compared through a quick report or table.
Learn to analyze the lightning experience readiness- However, it may sound easy but there are a number of hurdles to conquer the actual readiness of the system. There are quick and easy steps which begin at login into salesforce.org and then ends up at evaluating the entire report generated through smart labeling.
Just in case you are still not sure about this entire procedure, it is always necessary and recommended to associate with a Salesforce consultant enclosing important measures for you. For more details, you can contact our experts either via call or email.
This write up explains the major elements and most importantly the concept of migration from classic to lightning. The string of pointers explained above is how this migration process runs or what it takes to make it successful. In order to gain maximum information on this, joining hands with a Salesforce consultant.
The best place to get this service
Manras is an end-to-end service provider ensuring Salesforce services like Salesforce Consulting, Salesforce Implementation, Salesforce testing and Salesforce support. Amid all, Manras has excellent experience and expertise in classic to lightening services. So far, they have served a high number of clients with cloud & migrate classic to lightening assistance. In case, you want to gain more details on the string of services they proffer, give us a call or simply write up an email to our experts. For more detail contact us at contact@manras.com